Choi Joon-hee, the daughter of the late actress Choi Jin-sil, explained about the misunderstanding related to her family.

On the 6th, Choi Jun-hee finally released a messenger conversation called "Mama♥ (MAMA♥.

Choi Jun-hee asked, "Grandmother, what would you do if I turned into a cockroach?" and from my grandmother, "Wheelworm." I should raise it though. Grandmother should change, too,' the answer came back.

Then each media outlet sent out that the grandmother was a maternal grandmother. Then, Choi Jun-hee corrected on the 8th, saying, "Everyone wrote maternal grandmother in the article about wheelworm talk, but it's not maternal grandmother, but my aunt who raised me."

She said, "For me, it was just a family that filled my mother's place, so I have only one mother, Mrs. Park." That's why I saved it as 'Mama'," he said.

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